Making a powerful, positive impact in 140 characters or less: Why I love Twitter!
I attended Imagine RIT: Innovation and Creativity Festival, a campus-wide event that showcases the innovative and creative spirit of Rochester Institute of Technology students, faculty and staff. More than 30,000 people were in attendance to see the various exhibitions, demonstrations and live performances – at times, there were so many simultaneous displays, it was actually a bit overwhelming! But, it’s important to note that each of these technological advances is an important stepping stone in pushing the technological advances envelope.
I remember saying to a friend during the festival, “They can make these things, and I’ll just put them out on the market and sell them.” Spoken like a true sales person, right? I’m not an engineer, a chemist or an artist. I’m not going to come up with the next revolutionary piece of technology, at least not in the near future. Instead, I’m like the majority of Americans, using the technology invented by these fine people.
Take Twitter, for example. For me, a person that likes to consume technology and is a sales person/marketer by trade, daily personal interaction with others is very important. That’s why I’m a big fan of this social media site, using it on a consistent basis. In fact, I actually handle several different Twitter accounts – one for personal use and a number for the rest of my clients.
On a personal level, Twitter offers instant emotional gratification, one that can be shared by micro-blogging in messages containing 140 characters or less. People say I can get the same type of interaction on other forms of social media like Facebook, but I really can’t. This is because juxtaposed alongside Facebook, Twitter is a sophisticated, scaled-down version of Facebook. Twitter drives the notion home that you need to be precise with your messages, and takes the conversation to the next level. On the other hand, Facebook’s “like” feature takes just seconds for a person to click, and does not encourage intellectual stimulation and conversation.
On a more professional basis, Twitter enables me to put meaning and a personality behind my clients’ brands. I have found business to business marketing to be especially intriguing, and Twitter has been a platform that has enabled interaction with many people at one time, instead of one by one. While this type of inbound marketing has been proven effective, I’m excited about what the future holds as there is so much potential that hasn’t been tapped into or explored yet.
Last, but not least, I do want to point out that while I understand there are negative implications associated with social media, I don’t feel the need to hide behind a smoke screen. I’m grateful Twitter allows me to put myself out there and interact with people on a daily basis. Twitter has essentially become like a pair of glasses, I’m lost without mine.
***Disclaimer: This post is a re-posted blog post written by Corey Axelrod on June 15, 2011 for the Purple Communications blog.