Frequently, when I ask newly minted business small business owners what they do, I’m left wishing I didn’t even ask in the first place. But once I remember I was once a new business owner, I cut them some slack. When I first started my business, Synergetic Business Solutions (SBS), several years ago, I thought we […]
The million dollar question small business owners in start-up mode continuously ask: what social media channel(s) should my business be on? There are many different options, including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Pinterest and Instagram. There is no right answer; however, there is one rule to follow: don’t let this decision overwhelm you. Oftentimes, I see […]
“There are two types of speakers: those that are nervous and those that are liars.” -Mark Twain Surveys about people’s fears commonly show fear of public speaking at the top of the list, even ahead of death. The mere thought of being the center of attention can be uncomfortable and scary to a number of […]
I found a link yesterday to an interview I had with author Karen Putz. During the interview, Karen asked me what advice I would give a deaf or hard of hearing person who was looking for a career like mine. At the time, I was just starting my digital marketing company, Synergetic Business Solutions (SBS), […]
Growing up, my father would ask me to interpret for him when he met with our local insurance agent. My father was profoundly deaf, and while fluent in English and fully capable of communicating in writing, American Sign Language (ASL), not English, was his native language, and his preferred language for discussing business. Unfortunately, even […]